17 September 2009

Doxa, not Daschund

Today, in class, it struck me that Big-D-Discourse correlates directly with the Greek idea of doxa. As in orthoDOXy, the idea of doxa relates to universal beliefs, popular opinions, namely, the cheap parlor tricks sophists made their money on.

Thus, we have a binary:


These relationships break down in my head, though, because I'm more of a relativist than Plato. (Natch.) However, I do think there's a connection here between Big-D-Discourse and doxa. Maybe it lies in the creation of cultural memory.

And when you throw in the concept of techne, or art and craft, as it compares with doxa and episteme (can you have a techne without episteme?), the waters muddy even further.

If I had to write a seminar paper for this class, it would be on doxa and Big-D-Discourse.

I'm still puzzling through the idea, and I think I'm probably too tired to write a coherent blog.


Unknown said...

Who let the doxa out?

trena paulus said...

You can write a seminar paper if you like, in lieu of your reflective paper :)

Casie Fedukovich said...

Hmm. That's an attractive offer, Dr. Paulus. I need a paper that bridges the two parts of my life--rhetoric and methods. Not just to "prove" to both sides of the argument that I should be here, but because I'd like to make connections that I don't think a great deal of rhetoric scholars make.

However, I also need that blog reflection as a part of my diss journey. My biggest missteps so far have been my assumptions, and I feel this blog helps me sort out those assumptions.

Oh the conundrum of too many good options!