23 June 2010

Be A Duckie

No, not from Pretty in Pink. He's cooler than me, and more popular.

I'm halfway through a third chapter of the dissertation. I started in the middle with my case study analysis chapters, since I have a rough 20 pages of methods/methodologies/lit review and a rough page and a half (hey, it's a start) of implications. I'm right at 90 pages in. I've done that in about three weeks, and I feel pretty good about the pace. It's challenging without being overly ambitious or demanding. I still have plenty of me time for reading, puttering, exercising, and, these past two weeks, feeling like crap while on these antibiotics.

Which leads me to my second point: an equation for exhaustion

(1,000 mg of Biaxin and 2,000 mg of Amoxicillin a day for the H. Pylori + 100 degree heat index) trying to run high-intensity intervals 2 days/week + trying to run one distance run 1 day/week + trying to bike 2 days/week + strength training 2 days/week + stretching or yoga 2 days/week = a very run-down and generally poor feeling me.

I'm taking the rest of the week off from working out. I feel less than zero.

So then I started to panic yesterday when I felt like I wasn't getting enough done. I had to dialogue with myself about the true benefit of worry and panic (there isn't any) and about how if I panic at every little setback, it's going to be a long, slow, torturous process.

This week: I gotta be a duckie. Let it all roll off my back.

Quack, y'all.


Anonymous said...

Oh man.

"...So then I started to panic yesterday when I felt like I wasn't getting enough done..."

This sounds like me, to a tee, most of the time.

In times like these, please remember your strengths and your accomplishments and do not let your perceived (key word: perceived) downfalls get to you. You are greater and stronger than you will allow yourself to realize. Take the rest and try to enjoy it. Heavens know you're doing enough.

Casie Fedukovich said...

"You are greater and stronger than you will allow yourself to realize." I love that, Emily. Thanks!

You Chicagoans can't catch a break, can you? Between Red Line fires and tornadoes, it's pretty scary! Hope you're safe!